On August 5th CNN reported that, “Facebook had 2.23 billion monthly active users around the world, as of June 30, 2018. That’s almost ¼ of the world’s population. With that being said, using Facebook to promote your business is a strategic and smart move.
To start off, let’s define what Facebook really is.
→ Facebook is a party.
The definition of a party is, “a social gathering, as of invited guests at a private home, for conversation, refreshments, and entertainment.” That pretty much sums up Facebook if you ask me. People log on to be social, they request to be your friend, you have conversation, and there is an exceptional amount of entertainment.

Now, for the better question… “Why should my business use Facebook?”
→ Exposure
What’s the best way to expose your business? Show up on a platform that 2.23 billion people are already signed up for. Advertising is expensive, so save a little money by joining a free platform that ANYONE can use. This is a definite way to expose your business.
→ Generate Leads
Are you having trouble bringing in new, or more, business? Before someone visits your website they can learn all about your business and see what kind of business you are. If someone likes or follows you this probably means they’re interested. Use this to your advantage.
→ Increase Loyalty
Anyone can create a website and sell stuff online, but putting a face to a business builds trust. New and upcoming businesses don’t always become successful without a lot of tedious marketing, but Facebook makes one aspect of generating clients easy by proving right off the bat you’re a real person with real goals.
→ Bring In More Traffic
You could have an absolutely incredible website, but nobody will see it if you don’t effectively market. Facebook allows word posts, picture posts, video posts, link posts, polls, and more. Make it impossible to not be intrigued by your page and bring in new followers everyday.
→ Accessibility
Make doing business easy for you and the customer! You can download the Facebook app and access all of your page’s information in a split second. This makes monitoring activity a lot easier as opposed to using just a website.
→ Monitor Your Competition
Searching for competition isn’t always easy because some businesses are only online! Make finding and monitoring your competition easy. Facebook automatically puts related pages underneath yours based on the type of business you are. Once you start following your competition you can beat them out everytime.
→ Communication
Be available anytime you choose for your customers by downloading the messenger app and make communication easy for your potential clients. Most people don’t want to wait for you to email them back or talk to you on the phone! Now, you don’t have to give out your personal number in order to instantly message.

And finally, the hardest part… How can I successfully use Facebook for my business?
Just like a party, Facebook is a little more casual and laid back. You wouldn’t want someone to obviously advertise their product to you at a casual party, so try not to obviously market your business in your posts.
Focus more on conversing with your followers instead of just posting and waiting for business. Not only do you seem more human, you’re also getting people to talk about their needs and wants (sneaky, huh?).
Mix up the type of post. Would you be happy if you walked into a party and they only had one type of beer and it just so happened to be one you didn’t like? Some people like wordy, informative posts. Others are more visual, and like pictures and video. A few like to engage in polls and questionnaires. You should also share related content to show that you are engaged and informed. Give your followers what they like and they’ll come back for more.
Stay active and updated. It’s absolutely the worst when you click on a business page to learn more and they haven’t been updating or posting in a long time. That’s a sure way to push your leads away! Many newsletter programs allow the readers to share directly to social media, so you want your page active if it’s is getting activity through shared posts.
Do your research! How does your target audience speak or think? Make your posts attractive to the audience you’re trying to reach. Use Facebook insights to determine your page’s activity and post at the time you’re most likely to reach your audience.

Seem like a lot of work?
Yes, I’ll admit… social media is repetitive, overwhelming, and even transparent! It could be that you truly don’t have the time to maintain your page, or maybe you just simply don’t know how to use it. Regardless of the reason, there is somebody to help.
Here at BCI we recognize how important communication is, especially when it comes to doing business. That’s why we offer a wide range of digital services including social media management and digital analytics. We’d love to chat with you and come up with a personalized plan to help your business prosper, so don’t hesitate to reach out!
Blog written by: MaKayla Dulaney